
Following the infinite directions of contemporary migrations guided by some powerful matriarchs, the Matriarchive of the Mediterranean wants to save and disseminate the aesthetical flows of memories that the female experience ( fort/da) embodies and transmits through the arts.
Two are the privileged lines of archivialization that split and re-split, thus showing the multiple expressions of female artistic gesture: the question of Mother Nature and of ‘Mother Tongue’.
The feminine and her art have historically been identified with Mother Nature: ‘nature’ as the origin always in dialectical and binary opposition to/against ‘tekhnè’, the artefact, the substance, the material. The Matriarchive of the Mediterranean proposes – indeed, it is the vastity and quality of contemporary feminine signature to order and command it – to deconstruct the constitutive system which moulds western thinking, in order to allow ‘nature’ to give up its antitheticality to technique/technè, preventing it from always being incompatible with tecnologia, otherwise, showing that nature is and has always been hybridized by it.


