Per info e richieste:
This area is about the initiatives with educational, teaching or training purposes in which the M.A.M. Research Group has taken part. Such occasions have shown the applications of Matri-archive as a methodological practice to study and transmit the cross-cutting and plural memory of Mediterranean women’s creativity in relation to the Arts, Nature and Science.
8/9 May 2019. Study Lab
Ecologie Politiche del Presente
Ex Asilo Filangieri / Santa Maria della Fede Liberata, Naples.
Seminar: New extractivism and Feminist EcoArchives
In collaboration with Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies, Research Unit on Technocultures (UniOr).
21 February 2020. Study Lab
Ecologie Politiche del Presente
Ex Asilo Filangieri, Napoli
Seminar: Cosmopolitical and Cosmopoetic Figurations. Ecofeminism and Hospitality
Listen to the Talks:
27 November 2020 – ERN, European Research Night
Meet Me Tonight: Expand your mind, expand your interests
Workshop with students of the Secondary Schools
Arts and nature: Female creativity and sustainability
Padlet made by M.A.M.&ERN participants “Nature, Body and Water”