
"Life emerges from matter, from a particular and rare configuration of unstable elements which may generate cells, membranes, organs, biological entities, that is, chemical arrangements that may, under certain circumstances, exhibit emergent properties and, above all, carry their past along with them into the present and the future. Life is not different in substance from matter but is a kind of opening up of matter to indeterminacy, a qualitative transformation of matter into the unexpected, the surprising, the never-seen-before and the never-able-to-be-repeated. It adds to the contained and structured material universe the openness of the virtual, the potential to be otherwise, as it transforms matter, and itself, in its self-overcoming".
Elizabeth Grosz, Time Travels. Feminism, Nature, Power, 2005.[/su_heading]

"As a body – […] a techno-living system – I’m the platform that makes possible the materialization of political imagination. […] I’m the molecule and the State, and I’m the laboratory rat and the scientific subject that conducts the research; I’m the residue of a biochemical process. I am the future common artificial ancestor for the elaboration of new species in the perpetually random process of mutation and genetic drift. […] Everything is a matter of doses, of melting and crystallization points, of the rotary power of the molecule, of regularity, of milligrams, of the form and mode of administration, of habit, of praxis. What is happening to me could be described in terms of a ‘molecular revolution’. […] It’s a question of becomings, of multiplicities. […] a kind of political homeopathy of gender".
Beatriz Preciado, Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era, 2013.

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